Should I eat Carbs?
What does the Word say?
By Sheri Wiese
When you drive down the street you will see stores that sell carb free foods, your family will only cook carb free meals and your friends cant understand why you wont participate in a carb free diet with them. Are you tired of hearing about carbs? I personally am!
God does have something to say about the various food groups so we dont have to guess. Genesis 1:29-31: God said, See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the land and every tree with seed in its fruit: you shall have them for food. And to all the animals on the earth and to every bird of the air and to everything that creeps on the ground to everything in which there is the breath of life I have given every green plant for food. And it was so. And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good (suitable, pleasant) and He approved it completely (The Amplified Bible).
What exactly did God approve? Fruits, grains and vegetable or in plain English - CARBOHYDRATES. They are His idea! In Genesis 9:3, He also approves meat.
Carbohydrates have a function which is to provide energy. They come in two forms: simple and complex. When carbohydrates are ingested they are turned into sugar called glucose. Glucose goes into the bloodstream and is consumed by the cells to produce energy. Glucose is the only fuel normally used by your brain! You brain needs glucose to concentrate, learn or have a good memory.
Simple carbs (soda, candy, fruit juice) are quickly converted into glucose. Most are from refined foods containing sugars and some are from natural foods (honey). These carbs are not completely on Gods approved list because they raise your blood sugar level immediately. If eaten in excess, these foods can be harmful to you because they cause too much insulin to be released into your bloodstream which hinders glucose from getting to your brain and muscles. Simple carbs also cause weight gain- empty calories.
Complex carbs are very beneficial. These carbs are found in whole grains, vegetables, and legumes. Your body breaks complex carbs down slowly into glucose that fuel your brain. These carbs do not raise your blood sugar level so you will have sustained energy over time.
I am sure many of you are reading this but you are thinking about someone that you know that lost weight on low carb diets. Well, its true! You can! The reason that happens is not magic- its not that those people gave up complex carbs but because they stopped eating empty calorie carbohydrates. They simply stopped eating white breads and foods with refined sugars. Anyone can lose weight if you decrease your empty calories and fat! It does not matter if you eat carbohydrates, fats or proteins, if you consume too many, you will store them as fat.
We need to ask God for His wisdom with our eating. He will guide you and lead you so you wont get confused. Dont jump on every diet that is advertised on t.v. because the majority are false and will make you fail. Remember, being healthy involves exercise, eating properly and and keeping your soul (mind, will and emotions) whole.
Read Hebrews 4:15-16!
Copyright 2004 by Sheri Wiese